塩見 紘樹. Potential of the new small vessel treatment from Japan.
生活習慣病代謝大学院教育コースミーティング 平成24年4月17日 京都大学A棟
尾野 亘 Non-coding RNA and cholesterol homeostasis
第147回弘前胸部疾患談話会 平成24年4月23日 弘前
木村 剛. DESを用いたPCIの現状
下関市医師会学術講演会 平成24年5月17日 下関
木村 剛. 冠動脈疾患治療 最近の動向
洛北心臓リハビリテーション研究会 平成24年5月18日 京都
鮑炳元. 当院における心不全患者の1年予後調査
第3回京都循環器内科カンファレンス 平成24年5月19日 京都
塩見 紘樹. Onset to balloon and door to balloon time with long-term clinical outcomes in patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI: an observational study.
第42回武庫川Clinical & Research Conference 平成24年5月23日 武庫川(兵庫県)
Nakai K, Shizuta S, Haraguchi A, Ota C, Sasaki Y, Onishi N, Yahata M, Goto K, Shiomi H, Tazaki J, Imai M, Ozasa N, Makiyama T, Ono K, Shioi T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kimura T on behalf of the CREDO-kyoto AMI registry investigators. Impact of Pre-existing AF on Long-term Outcome of Patient with STEMI.
Kawamoto A, Kato T, Shioi T, Kawashima T, Tamaki Y, Niizuma S, Okuda J, Tanada Y, Narazaki M, Matsuda T, Kimura T. Analysis of technetium-99m sestamibi retention in a rat model of heart failure and rats administered a mitochondrial uncoupler.
京都大学大学院修士向け講義 臨床医学概論 平成24年7月9日 基礎第一講堂
尾野 亘. What is creative research in cardiovascular disease?
Shin Watanabe, Naritatsu Saito, Akihiro Tokushige, Bao Bingyuan, Yoshiaki Kawase, Takeshi Kimura. Effect of stent coated with anti-lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 antibody in rabbit iliac artery injury model.
Shin Watanabe, Naritatsu Saito, Akihiro Tokushige, Bao Bingyuan, Yoshiaki Kawase, Takeshi Kimura. A novel method to deliver the Filtrap coronary embolic protection filter using a manual thrombectomy catheter
尾野 亘、土肥由裕、古川 裕、平井忠和、松本鉄也、荒井秀典、木村 剛、藤田正俊 コントロール不良高血圧に対するアンジオテンシンⅡ受容体拮抗薬(ARB)単独療法とARB+T型カルシウムチャネル拮抗薬併用療法の効果比較に関する研究(EITHER研究)Efonidipine and Irbesartan Therapy for Hypertension in Kyoto
Ohno M, Hiraoka Y, Matsuoka T, Nishi K, Saijo S, Kita T, Kimura T, Nishi E. Nardilysin regulates sinus node automaticity and sympathetic nerve innervation(ワークショップ「発生生物学の最前線:個と全体をつなぐ新規メカニズム」)
Nishi K, Hiraoka Y, Ohno M, Matsuoka T, Saijyo S, Sakamoto J, Chen P, KitaT, Kimura T, Nishi E. Nardylisin controls glucose metabolism through the regulation of insulin Secretion.
第114回 日本循環器学会近畿地方会 平成24年12月15日 大阪
八幡光彦. 心臓再同期療法への grade up の際、閉塞した鎖骨下静脈に対する側副血行路を通して左室リードを留置した一例
守上裕子、今井逸雄、夏秋政浩、塩見紘樹、田崎淳一、齋藤成達、土井孝浩、小笹寧子、牧山武、静田聡、尾野亘、塩井哲雄、木村剛. Assessment of validity of fractional flow reserve guided percutaneous coronary intervention in the DES era.
川治徹真、塩見紘樹、今井逸雄、静田聡、牧山武、木村剛. Coronary Air Embolism and Cardiogenic Shock during CT-Guided Needle Biopsy of the Lung
Kishimoto C, Shimada K: Coffee drinking reduces the severity of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice by nitric oxide.
佐々木 健一: One Year Assessment of Ion Channel Gene Expression in Cardiomyocytes derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
佐々木 健一: O Ca2+ Imaging of Cardiomyocytes Differentiated from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia.
佐々木 健一: One Year Assessment of Ion Channel Gene Expression in Cardiomyocytes derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Kawamoto A, Kato T, Shioi T, Kawashima T, Tamaki Y, Niizuma S, Okuda J, Tanada Y, Narazaki M, Matsuda T, Kimura T. Analysis of technetium-99m sestamibi washout in a rat model of heart failure and ras administered mitochondrial uncoupler.
Yimin Wuriyanghai: Identification of Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using a Cardiac Specific Lentiviral Vector.
Okuda J, Niizuma S, Shioi T, Inuzuka Y, Kato T, Tamaki Y, Kawashima T, Kawamoto A, Tanada Y, Matsuda T, Narazaki M, Adachi S, Soga T, Takemura G, Kondoh H, Kimura T. Constitutive overexpression of phosphoglycerate mutase, a glycolytic enzyme, purturbs cardiac energy metabolism and function in mice.
Ono K. Symposium「プラーク不安定化の分子機序」microRNA-33 deficiency causes dual nature of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaque.
牧山武: Disease Modeling in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells -Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
Nishi K, Hiraoka Y, Ohno M, Matsuoka T, Saijo S, Sakamoto J, Chen PM, Kita T, Kimura T, Nishi E. Nardylisin Controls Glucose Metabolism through the Regulation of Insulin Secretion.
Ohno M, Watanabe S, Hiraoka Y, Matsuoka T, Nishi K, Saijo S, Sakamoto J, Chen PM, Inoue K, Kita T, Kimura T, Nishi E. Nardilysin, an Activator of Ectodomain Shedding, is a Novel and Potent Biomarker for Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Kitai Y, Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Bao B, Shizuta S, Shiomi H, Tazaki J, Natsuaki N, Yanagita M, Kimura T. Anemia and renal insufficiency are associated with poor outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions.
Goto K, Shizuta S, Morimoto T, Nakai K, Kobori A, Kaitani K, Fujii S, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kita T, Kimura T. Impact of AF and Concomitant Oral Anticoagulation on Long-term Clinical Outcome Undergoing PCI: Insight from the CREDO-Kyoto PCI Registry Cohort-2.
Kimura T. Bioabsorbable-polymer Biolimus-eluting Stent とDurable-polymer Everolimus-eluting Stentの比較-NEXT試験:1年追跡からの知見-.
Natsuaki M. One-year Outcome of the NOBORI Biolimus-Eluting versus XIENCE/PROMUS Everolimus-eluting Stent Trial (NEXT).
Shiomi H. CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2: A Large-scale Multicenter Registry of Coronary Revascularization in Japan.
Kimura T. ガイドラインに学ぶ3. 2011 年活動ガイドライン改訂版作成班報告. 非ST上昇型急性冠症候群の診療に関するガイドライン(2012 年改訂版)
Morikami Y. Impact of Polyvascular Disease on Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Coronary Revascularization: an Observation from the CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2.
Imai M. The Vascular Healing Response after Stenting from Angiographic Observation
Higami H. Five-year Outcomes after Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Implantation for Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery.
Kawaji T. Long-Term Clinical Outcome after Drug-Eluting Stents Implantation for Acute Coronary Syndrome in Daily Clinical Practice.
Yahata M. The Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and Ablation for Heart Failure with Supraventricular Arrhythmia: the Analysis of CUBIC Study