Horiuchi H, Tazaki J, Tada T, Jinnai T, Hoshino K, Kita T, Kimura T: Clopidogrel resistance in Japanese patients.
静田 聡,安藤献児,延吉正清,池田隆徳,吉野秀朗,佐藤澄子,平松伸一,風谷幸男,岡嶋克則,山城荒平,梶谷定志,小林義典,加藤貴雄,藤井理樹,光藤和明,井上耕一,伊藤 浩,佐伯明香,森本 剛,北 徹,木村 剛,PREVENT-SCD Investigators:Three-Year Outcome of the PRospective Evaluation of VENtricular Tachyarrhythmic Events and Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction (PREVENT-SCD) Study.
Tamura T,Mitsudo K,Kimura T,Kadota K,Investigators j-Cypher Registry: Predictor of Target Lesion Revascularization and Efficacy of Final Kissing Balloon Technique using One-Stent Technique in Coronary Bifurcation Lesions.
Jinnai T,Horiuchi H,Hoshino K,Tazaki J,Tada T,Makiyama T,Toma M, Tamura T,Kita T,Kimura T:The Impact of CYP2C19 Polymorphism on the Antiplatelet Effect of Clopidogrel in the Real Clinical Setting.
Tamura T,Mitsudo K,Kimura T,Kadota K,Investigators j-Cypher Registry:Long-term Clinical Outcome and Predictor of Target Lesion Revascularization after Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Implantation with Elective Two-Stent Technique in Coronary Bifurcations.
多田朋弥,田村俊寛,尾野 亘,赤尾昌治,坂田隆造,北 徹:Improvement fo severe anemia in patients with aortic stenosis complicated with gastrointestinal angiodysplasia (Heyde’s Syndrome) after aortic valve repair.
Tada T,Horiuchi H,Nagai K,Tazaki J,Nishi E,Toma M,Tamura T,Akao M, Furukawa Y,Kimura T,Kita T:Clopidogrel Resistance in Japanese Patients Scheduled for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Ozasa N,Morimoto T,Furukawa Y,Shizuta S,Kita T,Kimura T:Survival after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft in Patients with Mitral Regurgitation.
静田 聡,土井孝浩,早野 護,中尾哲史,西山 慶,田村俊寛,当麻正直,尾野 亘,北 徹,木村 剛:Efficasy of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation with sinus node dysfunction.
Higuma T, Harada K, Abe N, Oikawa K, Kushibiki M, Yokota T, Yamamoto Y, Ohya F, Hanada H, Osanai T, Kume N, Okumura K: Plasma soluble lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 level at admission can predict in-hospital prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Inami T, Yamamoto M, Kimata N, Okuda K, Tara S, Murakami D, Tajika K, Yokogawa K, Hayashi M, Ohno N, Ohba T, Aoki S, Ibuki C, Yokoyama S, Hata N, Takano M, Seino Y, Mizuno K, Kume N: Even mild elevation of sLOX-1 may reflect coronary atherosclerotic plaque burden in non-AMI coronary artery disease patients.
Kishimoto C, Takamatsu N, Kawamata H, Shinohara H, Ochiai H: Immunoglobulin treatment ameliorates murine myocarditis associated with reduction of neurohumoral activity and improvement of extracellular matrix change.
Kishimoto C, Okabe T, Hattori M, Zuyi Y: Naloxone, an opiate receptor antagonist, ameliorates acute heart failure in experimental autoimmune myocarditis by reducing cytotoxic activities.
Shimada K, Hirano E, Murayama T, Yokode M, Kita T, Fujita M, Kishimoto C: Induction of vulnerable plaques by marble-burying behavior and their stabilization by exercise training in experimental atherosclerosis.
Kishimoto C, Zuyi Y, Yan L: Pioglitazone ameliorates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice by modulating the balance of effector and regulatory T cells.
Iguchi M, Akao M, Kato M, Matsumoto-Ida M, Kita T: Visualization of Accumulating Reactive Oxygen Species during Myocardial Ischemia by Real-time Two-photon Imaging of Perfused Rat Hearts.
Nakagawa Y, Kuwahara K, Akao M, Kato M, Takemura G, Harada M, Usami S, Yasuno S, Kinoshita H, Fujiwara M, Kuwabara Y, Ueshima K, Nakao K: An Important Role of p300 on Mitochondrial Gene Expression and Function and Tolerance to Ischemia in the Heart.
牧山 武:SCN5A and Lamin A/C gene mutations are highly prevalent in patients with familial bradyarrhythmic disorders.
大野聖子:Multiple Mechanisms underlie long QT syndrome by the change of amino acid R259 in the intracellular S4-S5 linker of KCNQ1.
Ohno M, Matsuoka T, Hiraoka Y, Kita T, Nish E: Nardilysin, a Metalloendopeptidase, is a Novel Regulator of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.
Matsuoka T, Ohno M, Hiraoka Y, Kita T, Nishi E: Nardilysin Deficiency Causes Lean Phenotype with Hypotriglyceridemia and Hypoinsulinemia.
Horie T, Ono K, Iwanaga Y, Nishi H, Nagao K, Kinoshita M, Takanabe-Mori R, Kuwabara Y, Hasegawa K, Kita T: NF-kB-dependent induction of microRNA-146 downregulates ErbB4 and may be involved in the development of cardiomyocyte survival.
Watanabe S, Tamura T, Ono K, Kita T, Kimura T, Furukawa Y: IGF axis and adiponectin as prognostic markers in patients with congestive heart failure.
Kojima Y, Ono K, Inoue K, Yoshida Y, Nakashima Y, Matsumae H, Furukawa Y, Nobuyoshi M, Kimura T, Kita T, Tanaka M: Progranulin expression in advanced human atherosclerotic plaque.
Nagao K, Ono K, Horie T, Kinoshita M, Nishi H, Tamaki Y, Kuwabara Y, Iwanaga Y, Kita T: Neural cell adhesion molecule is upregulated by metabolic stress and enhances the cardiomyocyte survival.
Takanabe-Mori R, Ono K, Abe Y, Wada H, Takaya T, Satoh N, Shimatsu A, Fujita M, Sawamura T, Hasegawa K: LOX-1 is expressed in the adipose tissue of high-fat diet-induced obese mice in close association in MCP-1.
Kaichi S, Hasegawa K, Takaya T, Yokoo N, Kawamura T, Morimoto T, Ono K, Baba S, Yamanaka S, Nakahata T, Heike T: Cell line-dependent differentiation of mouse induced-pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes.
Horiguchi M, Hirai M, Kita T, Nakamura T: The role of fibulins in elastic fiber assembly.
Takaya T, Morimoto T, Sunagawa Y, Wada H, Kawamura T, Shimatsu A, Fujita M, Fujita Y, Sawamura T, Hasegawa K: Left ventricular expression of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 during the development of heart failure.
Wada H, Hasegawa K, Terashima S, Satoh N, Inoue M, Iida Y, Yamakage H, Kitaoka S, Morimoto T, Fujita M, Shimatsu A, Takahashi Y: Self-depression scale score is a strong independent predictor of smoking cessation outcomes.
Wada H, Satoh N, Kitaoka S, Terashima S, Morimoto T, Fujita M, Shimatsu A, Takahashi Y, Hasegawa K: Serum levels of soluble VEGF receptor-2 decrease during successful smoking cessation.
Wada H, Satoh N, Kitaoka S, Terashima S, Morimoto T, Fujita M, Shimatsu A, Takahashi Y, Hasegawa K: Serum levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein decrease during successful smoking cessation.
Otsuka K, Terasaki F, Ikemoto M, Fujita S, Tsukada B, Katashima T, Kanzaki Y, Sohmiya K, Kono T, Toko H, Fujita M, Kitaura Y: Anti-inflammatory effects of MRP8/14 (S100A8/A9) on experimental autoimmune myocarditis by modulating proinflammatory cytokine network.
Sunagawa Y, Morimoto T, Kawamura T, Takaya T, Wada H, Kuwai T, Yanagi S, Sugimoto A, Tsukashita M, Marui A, Ikeda T, Shimatsu A, Fujita M, Kita T, Hasegawa K: Synergistic effects of G-CSF and erythropoietin on left ventricular systolic function in heart failure after rat myocardial infarction.
Sunagawa Y, Morimoto T, Takaya T, Wada H, Shimatsu A, Fujita M, Kita T, Hasegawa K: Cyclin-dependent kinase-9 is recruited on cardiac hypertrophic response gene promoters through GATA4 in cardiomyocytes.
Morimoto T, Sunagawa Y, Wada H, Takaya T, Yanagi S, Sugimoto A, Tsukashita M, Marui A, Ikeda T, Fujita M, Shimatsu A, Kita T, Hasegawa K: Curcumin, a natural p300-specific histone acetyltransferase inhibitor, possesses beneficial effects in addition to ACE inhibitor after myocardial infarction in rats.
Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2009、4.11、大阪
木村 剛:Overview of Updated CAD Treatment Vascular Specialists Must Know
木村 剛:J-Cypherでのステント血栓症
木村 剛:シンポジウム「DES時代の冠動脈バイパス手術の現状と将来」 追加発言
木村 剛:冠動脈疾患患者における脂質低下療法
木村 剛:急性冠症候群に対する治療戦略-JAPAN-ACSの結果を踏まえて-
木村 剛:薬剤溶出性ステント血栓症-日本の臨床データから-
Intervention Forum in Kyoto-臨床試験を実地臨床にどう活かすか-、5.22、京都
木村 剛:冠動脈プラーク イメージング最前線-cosmosを含む最新知見
肥前Heart Forum、6.5、長崎
木村 剛:PCIにおける最新の話題
木村 剛:全国のステント血栓症レジストリー(RESTART)からの知見 -臨床データから-
木村 剛:JSIC/JACCT歴代理事長による統合記念講演-日本のPCIにおける将来への期待-
木村 剛:PCIと抗血小板療法 Role of long-term aggressive anti-thrombotic therapy in Japanese patients with coronary artery disease
Nishi H, Ono K, Horie T, Nagao K, Kinoshita M, Kuwabara Y, Takanabe-Mori R, Hasegawa K, Takemura G, Iwanaga Y, Kita T, Kimura T: MicroRNA-15b, -16, 195, and -424, which have the same seed sequence, regulate ADP-rybosylation factor-like 2 and cellular ATP levels in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
Kume N: シンポジウム:不安定プラークの画像診断とバイオマーカー Soluble lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 (sLOX-1) as a biomarker for vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques and acute coronary syndrome
Nishi E:A metalloendopeptidase nardilysin is a critical regulator for lipid and glucose metabolism.
Horie T, Ono K, Nishi H, Iwanaga Y, Nagao K, Kinoshita M, Kuwabara Y, Abe Y, Takanabe-Mori R, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Kita T: MicroRNA-133 regulates the expression of GLUT4 by targeting KLF15 and is involved in metabolic control in cardiac myocytes
Sowa N, Ono K, Horie T, Iwanaga Y, Nishi H, Nagao K, Kinoshita M, Takanabe-Mori R, Kita T, Kimura T, Hasegawa K: Let-7/miR-98 family regulates the expression fo GLUT4 by targeting Mef-2C in metabolic control of cardiomyocytes.
The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 12.9-12, Yokohama
Hiraoka Y, Matsuoka T, Ohno M, Kita T, Kimura T, and Nishi E: Critical roles of nardilysin in energy balance and thermoregulation.
Ohno M, Hiraoka Y, Matsuoka T, Kimura T, Kita T, and Nishi E: Nardilysin regulates axonal maturation and myelination in the CNS and PNS.
Matsuoka T, Ohno M, Hiraoka Y, Kita T, Kimura T, and Nishi E: A metalloendopeptidase nardilysin is an essential regulator for glucose and lipid metabolism.